Pluriton, Orbem, and Vencomatic Group start collaboration in sex determination with the Genus Focus in the Netherlands and Belgium
Accelerating the switch to in-ovo sexing with a new installation of the Genus Focus.
Nov 20, 2023
Pluriton, a distributor of hatching eggs, day-old chicks, and pullets of the laying breeds H&N Brown Nick, H&N Super Nick, and H&N Crystal Nick in the Netherlands, among others, installs Genus Focus for in-ovo sex determination in the Netherlands.
“This technology is an important step for Pluriton and unique in the Dutch and Belgian market. The Genus Focus is the only contactless in-ovo sex determination for brown and white laying breeds, which has no influence on the hatching percentage and also complies with the new German legislation — before day 13”, says Hans Groot Koerkamp, managing director of Pluriton.
“We are very pleased that we can offer our customers this new sex determination technique, in addition to our other options from “Ohne Küken Toten”, says Cees Blankestijn, managing director of Pluriton.
The Genus Focus for in-ovo sex determination was developed by Orbem, a Munich-based high-tech company. It uses a combination of MRI and AI technologies to determine the sex of an embryo in a hatching egg in one second. The technology works in a contactless and contamination-free manner. The process of egg handling from the intake of eggs and the removal process of male embryos is fully automated by the Vencomatic Group. “We are contributing to a more sustainable poultry sector in a highly automated way”, says Lotte van de Ven, CEO of Vencomatic Group.
“We are very pleased to be able to install our first Genus Focus for in-ovo sex determination in the Netherlands. It is just the beginning of a revolution in the poultry sector with AI-driven MRI technology opening the door to a variety of valuable applications,” said Dr. Pedro Gómez, CEO of Orbem.
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