Why we exist
The story of a purpose-driven deep tech venture.
Nov 15, 2021
It all started with three nerdy scientists. We (Pedro, Maria, and Miguel) met at the Technical University of Munich, where we were conducting research on artificial intelligence, biomedical imaging, and reproductive biotechnology. As scientists, we are innately attracted to complex, meaningful problems. We are driven by curiosity and motivated to make an impactful contribution to the world.
Maria studied the building blocks of life. She gained expertise in biology, physiology, and embryology, developing a deep understanding of biological systems and their interaction with the environment. Pedro and Miguel engineered technology to visualize these systems. Pedro developed algorithms to make magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) faster and more accessible while Miguel built AI models to glean novel insights from imaging data.
As we each progressed in our scientific careers, we reached an important conclusion. We realized that real impact happens when breakthrough technology is taken from the lab and into the market. We recognized that scientific progress needs to translate into practical, real-world solutions. Importantly, we concluded that research alone will not solve our toughest challenges. Somebody has to take this research and build a product out of it.
We decided to take ownership, venture into the world of entrepreneurship, and start Orbem. We did so to address problems in the way we produce food, develop new materials, and detect diseases. We took this leap because some challenges are best solved as a deep tech venture.
We exist because some challenges are best solved as a deep tech venture
As a deep tech venture we combine the impact potential of groundbreaking research with the speed and ambition of a startup. We turn scientific excellence into valuable technology products. And we never shy away from a challenge.
Our objective as a deep tech venture is to develop breakthrough technology and bring it to the market. We do so because radical new technologies, like AI-powered MRI, have the potential to shed light on the world’s toughest challenges.
We exist to shed light on the world’s toughest challenges
This is our core purpose. We exist to fulfill this purpose and build a sustainable and healthy future. We chose it for two reasons.
First, our core purpose indicates the types of problems we work on. We work on complex problems that make a difference for our customers and the world. We work on problems that have a positive impact on the society, environment, and the economy. We work on problems that matter.
By working on the world’s toughest challenges, we are finding novel ways to sustainably feed the world, accelerate the transition to a green economy, transform disease detection.
We have a deep conviction that AI-powered imaging systems will become an integral part of our society.
Second, our core purpose indicates the technology we are developing. We shed light on these challenges with AI-powered imaging technology. Our technology allows us to reveal hidden sources of knowledge, providing our customers with the insights they need to make better decisions — for their business and the planet.
That is, the unique capabilities of MRI allow us to see and understand the inside of objects without touching, harming, or damaging them. Energized by AI, we can do so at a speed, accuracy, and level of automation that was previously impossible. Thus, to achieve our core purpose, we are imagining new frontiers. We are pushing the envelope of technology, advancing AI, and rethinking imaging to make it accessible for everything and everyone.
While daunting, we have a clear view of the future we want to build. We understand the value of data and the power of information. We have contributed to and witnessed the rise of AI. We are at the dawn of a new era, and the AI era is here to stay.
We exist because the AI era is here to stay
In the AI era, we design intelligent machines with superhuman vision. By going beyond the surface, we provide unique and actionable insights that enhance decision making. We have a deep conviction that AI-powered imaging systems will become an integral part of our society. This means we will be able to look inside of every egg, every battery, and every organ. Our conviction is rooted in three beliefs.
We believe AI-powered imaging systems will be so fast, accessible, and simple, they will be used everywhere, for everything and by everyone.
Imaging systems today, especially MRI, are still constrained to clinical settings and limited to the privileged few. For the first time, cutting-edge AI techniques are enabling us to change the way we perform imaging; transforming MRI from slow, expensive, and complicated to fast, accessible, and simple. For example, we are using AI to accelerate the scanning process by more than 100x, dramatically increasing the throughput and making MRI available for a variety of non-clinical environments. By rethinking MRI, we are making it accessible for everything and everyone.
We believe AI-powered imaging systems will generate insights beyond human capabilities.
Increased speed and accessibility of these systems will result in the generation of vast amounts of data. However, we humans are unprepared to analyze and correctly diagnose thousands of imaging volumes per hour. On the other hand, only human experts can imprint knowledge into automated systems.
Combining big data, expert knowledge, and advanced machine learning models we can find patterns in data that were previously unseen. By becoming a machine learning powerhouse, we are augmenting human capabilities.
We believe AI-powered imaging systems will be translational such that “the everything” will be an enabler for “the everyone”.
AI systems today are still specialized in solving specific tasks. Yet, as data accumulates in richness and variety, AI models will become translational. Translational AI will allow models from one domain to be applied in other domains, creating myriad new possibilities. With generalized AI models, images of everything — food products, materials, or biological samples— will become a major enable to securely process images in other domains, including bioengineering and healthcare. In this way, by enabling translational AI, we are unleashing AI-powered imaging for everything and everyone.
Our deep tech solutions can contribute to feeding ten billion people by 2050 in a sustainable and healthy way.
We exist to unleash AI-powered imaging for everything and everyone
We are on a mission to unleash AI-powered imaging for everything and everyone. We believe this is the best way to carry out our core purpose of shedding light on the world’s toughest challenges. For us, this means developing fast, accurate, and accessible imaging solutions that reveal hidden sources of knowledge.
We are unleashing AI-powered imaging to sustainably feed the world.
Our deep tech solutions can contribute to feeding ten billion people by 2050 in a sustainable and healthy way. By analyzing and characterizing food samples, we can develop the next generation of breeds, prevent waste, increase productivity, and enhance food security. We start by analyzing high value samples, using the gained data advantage to deploy our collective wisdom at scale.
We are unleashing AI-powered imaging to accelerate the transition to a green economy.
Our deep tech solutions can help humanity become carbon neutral. Automated quality control of sustainable materials, such as green building materials, biodegradable packing, or electric batteries can extend their lifetime while ensuring correct functioning. This will accelerate their adoption and help drive the transition to a sustainable future.
We are unleashing AI-powered imaging to transform disease detection.
Our deep tech solutions can help detect and stop the spread of diseases. By identifying diseases and parasites — first in food products — and then in living species, we can diagnose problems early on and prevent the spread of illness.
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Mariana Pradillo
Marketing Manager