Ter Heerdt and Verbeek install Genus Focus for In-Ovo Sexing in the Netherlands
Twelve million-day-old chick hatchery can now provide KAT-certified hens to the German market.
May 2, 2024
Ter Heerdt and Verbeek, both leading international suppliers of day-old chicks and pullets for the laying hen sector, have joined their production capacities in Ter Heerdt-Verbeek Productie BV. Together they have 3 hatcheries in the Netherlands and Poland and they have decided to install the Genus Focus for in-ovo sexing at their hatchery in Babberich, the Netherlands. The distributors of Lohmann, Novogen, and Hyline laying breeds for the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany pride themselves on high-quality rearing practices and the health of their flocks. With a history of nearly 90 years, both Ter Heerdt and Verbeek embrace constant innovation and modern hatchery environments for their poultry.
Utilizing Genus Focus for in-ovo sexing, Ter Heerdt’s 12 million-day-old chick hatchery can now provide KAT-certified hens to the German market. The cutting-edge Orbem and Vencomatic Group solution uses MRI and AI technologies to accurately identify the sex of a hatching egg’s embryo in just one second. This contactless and contamination-free process, fully automated by Vencomatic’s equipment, ensures the efficient removal of male embryos and clear eggs.
In the words of Jos Eringfeld, Managing Director of Ter Heerdt, “This installation is in line with our vision of an animal-friendly and future-oriented production of day-old chicks for the European market. Moreover, the combination of MRI and AI integrates well with our processes, and we anticipate further leveraging this technology in our hatchery.” His colleague, Karin de Zeeuw, Project Lead OKT and Quality Manager, comments “The Genus Focus for in-ovo sexing will play a central role in the planning of flocks and reliably providing our customers with cull-free chicks of the highest quality.”
“We are thankful for the trust Ter Heerdt and Verbeek have shown in our collaborative solution and are excited to announce another successful installation in the Netherlands. As Vencomatic we can guarantee seamless automation of the in-ovo sexing process, streamlining operations from trolley to trolley. This efficiency also means that only one operator can oversee the entire process” says Lotte van de Ven, CEO of Vencomatic Group. Dr. Pedro Gómez, Co-Founder and CEO of Orbem, remarks, “Our collaboration with Ter Heerdt is accelerating the adoption of AI-powered imaging technology in the poultry industry. By joining forces, we enable contactless egg classification for all breeds”.
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Mariana Pradillo
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Co-funded by the EIC